Our Story
Caring for a terminally ill loved one brings both emotional and financial challenges. Whether the person is a patient of hospice or not, the White Mountain Hospice Foundation helps provide for needs a family may have difficulty covering while caring for their loved one.
Requests for help come in many forms. It might be for assistance with utilities or groceries, replacing a refrigerator that quit, car repairs that need to be made, or transportation for relatives to visit their terminally ill family member.
These requests for help are reviewed at the monthly meeting of the Board of Directors or on an emergency basis as the need arises.
The volunteer board of directors works diligently to raise funds in order to continue providing help to these families in need.
The board also strives to learn and understand the issues facing the terminally ill and their families, working closely with the nurses and social workers of hospice.
The White Mountain Hospice Foundation is recognized as a Qualifying Charitable Organization, QCO Code 22118.
You still have time to take advantage of the charitable organization tax credit for 2019. It’s a win for you and a win for White Mountain Hospice Foundation.
2020 Tax Credit Maximums
Single Taxpayer: Tax Credit $400.00
Married Filing Jointly: Tax Credit $800.00
Donate online or mail a check to our P.O. Box 1975, Lakeside, AZ 85929. Please call with any questions.